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AML/CFT Resources

This section contains links to other items of legislation that are applicable to the eGambling sector. The legislation comes from both within the Bailiwick and from outside. In addition, this section will also contain links to the GFSC website and will inform licensees of those territories and jurisdictions that are the subject of guidance from the Financial Action Task Force.


Business from Sensitive Sources

Business from Sensitive Sources Notice No.44

Instructions, Notices & Guidance
Follow the link to view all past and present Instructions, Notices and Guidelines.

AML Legislation
Follow the link to access comprehensive materials related to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) legislation on our dedicated page.


MLRO Notification

ICS Guidelines AML / CFT Questionnaire Appendix 1.8.8-x (MSWord)

All original legislation as enacted can be found here:

Guernsey Legal Resources

All AML/CFT legislation can be found here:

Guernsey Legal Resources

Links to the GFSC website which will inform licensees of those territories and jurisdictions that are the subject of guidance from the Financial Action Task Force:

Guernsey Financial Services Commission - GFSC

Links to other AML/CFT resources can be found here:

Sanctions: States of Guernsey

Anti-bribery & Corruption: States of Guernsey

Countering the Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: States of Guernsey

Bailiwick of Guernsey National Risk Assessment: States of Guernsey

Counter Terrorism & C-T Financing Measures: States of Guernsey

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